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Authors starting by L

La Bruyere, Jean de Lee, Ann Lindsay, Norman
La Fayette, Madame de Lee, Benjamin W. Lindsay, Ted
La Fontaine, Jean de Lee, Bruce Ling, Lisa
La Rochefoucauld, Francois de Lee, Geddy Lingpa, Jikme
Laar, Mart Lee, Gerald Stanley Linkola, Pentti
Lababidi, Yahia Lee, Gypsy Rose Linley, George
Laborit, Henri Lee, Harper Lint, Charles de
Lackey, Mercedes Lee, Henry III Linz, Alex D.
Laclos, Pierre Choderlos de - Lee, Melissa Liotta, Ray
Ladman, Cathy Lee, Nathaniel Lipman, Maureen
Laertius, Diogenes Lee, Newton Lippard, George
Lafayette, Gilbert du Motier Lee, Richard Henry Lippmann, Walter
Laffer, Arthur Lee, Robert E. Lipscomb, David
Lafferty, R. A. Lee, Sheila Jackson Lipumba, Ibrahim
Lafleur, Guy Lee, Sir Sidney Lispector, Clarice
Lagerfeld, Karl Lee, Stan Lissitsky, El
Lagrange, Joseph Louis Lee, Stewart Lister, Moira
Laimbeer, Bill Lee, Tommy Liszt, Franz
Laing, Ronald David Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel Littlewood, John Edensor
Lakoff, George Lees, Robert (linguist) Livingstone, David
Lalabalavu, Ratu Naiqama Lefevre, Edwin Livingstone, Ken
Lamarr, Hedy LeFevre, Robert Livni, Tzipi
LaMarsh, Judy Legare, James Matthews Livy
Lamb, Charles Leger, Fernand Lizhi, Fang
Lamb, Willis Leggett, Anthony James Llido, Antonio
Lambert, Constant Leguizamo, John Llosa, Mario Vargas
Lambert, Jack Lehane, Dennis Lloyd, Seth
Lamborghini, Ferruccio Lehman, John Lobachevsky, Nikolai Ivanovich
Lamm, Norman Lehmbruck, Wilhelm Lobao
Lamont, Norman Lehrer, Jonah Locke, John
Lamott, Anne Lehrer, Tom Locker-Lampson, Frederick
LaMotta, Jake Leiber, Fritz Lockhart, John Gibson
Lamour, Dorothy Leibniz, Gottfried Lodge, David
Lampard, Frank Leigh, Edward Lodge, Henry Cabot
Lampedusa, Giuseppe Tomasi di Leighton, Robert (bishop) Lodge, Thomas
Lanahan, John Leighton, Robert B. (physicist) Loesser, Frank
Land, Edwin H. Leinster, Murray Loewy, Raymond
Landau, Edmund Leland, Charles Godfrey Loftus, Elizabeth
Landau, Lev Davidovich Lem, Stanislaw Logan, Jared
Landis, Kenesaw Mountain LeMay, Curtis Logan, John
Landon, Letitia Elizabeth Lemon, Mark Logau, Friedrich von
Landor, Walter Savage Lenin, Vladimir Logue, Christopher
Landowska, Wanda Lennon, Florence Becker Lohan, Lindsay
Landry, Bernard Lennon, John Lohman, Alison
Lane, David (white nationalist) Leno, Jay Loken, Kristanna
Lane, David C. Lenthall, William Lombard, Carole
Lane, Eddie Leo X (Pope) Lombardi, Vince
Lane, Joseph Leon, Daniel De Lombroso, Cesare
Lane, Nathan Leonard, Elmore London, Fritz
Lane, Rose Wilder Leonard, John London, Jack
Lane, Shawn Leonard, Sugar Ray London, Jay
Lang, Andrew Leonardi, Vittorio Long, Barry
Lang, Julia Leone, Nathan Long, Earl
Lang, Serge Leonidas I Long, Huey
Lang, Will Leopardi, Giacomo Long, Richard
Lange, Antoni Leopold II of Belgium Long, Shelley
Lange, Artie Leopold, Aldo Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Lange, David Leopold, John R. Longfellow, Samuel
Lange, Dorothea Lerdorf, Rasmus Longinus
Lange, Halvard Lermontov, Mikhail Longworth, Alice Roosevelt
Lange, Mike Lerner, Abba Loo, Tristan J.
Langer, Susanne Lernoux, Penny Looney, William R.
Langhorne, John Lesage, Alain-Rene Loong, Lee Hsien
Langland, William Lessig, Lawrence Loos, Adolf
Langmuir, Irving Lessing, Doris Lope de Vega
Lanier, Sidney Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim Lopes, Jose Leite
Lanne, Jack La LeSueur, Larry Lopez, Jennifer
Lansky, Paul Leszczynski, Stanislaw Lorca, Federico Garcia
Lantos, Tom Letterman, David Lorde, Audre
Laozi (or Lao Tzu) Leung, Graeme Lore, Nicholas
Lapham, Lewis H. Leung, Wong Shun Loren, Sophia
Lapin, Nicole Levant, Oscar Lorenz, Konrad
Laplace, Pierre-Simon Leverson, Ada Lorimer, George C.
Laporte, Leo Levertov, Denise Lott, Trent
Larcom, Lucy Levesque, Rene Lottini, Giovanni Francesco
Lardner, Dionysius Levi-Strauss, Claude Loughner, Jared Lee
Larijani, Ali Levi, Eliphas Louis IX of France
Larijani, Mohammad-Javad Levi, Peter Louis VII, King of France
Larkin, Philip Levi, Primo Louis XIV of France
Laroche, Hermann Leviev, Lev Louis, Joe
LaRouche, Lyndon Levin, Ira Lovato, Demi
Larroquette, John Levin, Janna Lovecraft, H. P.
Larry the Cable Guy Levine, Adam Lovelace, Richard
Larsen, Kristine Levine, Jack Lovelock, James
Larson, Christian D. Levine, Noah Lover, Samuel
Larson, Jonathan Levitan, Isaac Lovins, Amory
Larsson, Henrik Levitch, Timothy Low, David
Larter, Ali Levitt, Joseph Gordon Low, Frank J.
Las Casas, Bartolome de Levitt, Theodore Lowe, Nick
Lasker, Emanuel Levski, Vasil Lowell, Amy
Lasn, Kalle Levy-Bruhl, Lucien Lowell, James Russell
Lasorda, Tommy Levy, David Lowell, Percival
Lassen, Teitur Levy, Michael Lowell, Robert
Latham, Mark Lewes, George Henry Lowery, Joseph
Latham, Peter Mere Lewis , Michael Lown, Bernard
Lathrop, George Parsons Lewis, Alun Lowry, Malcolm
Latifah, Queen Lewis, Anthony Lubac, Henri de
Latimer, Hugh Lewis, Blake Lubbock, John
Laughlin, Robert B. Lewis, C. S. Lucado, Max
Lauper, Cyndi Lewis, Carl Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus
Laurie, Hugh Lewis, Cecil Day Lucas Jr., Robert
Laurie, Piper Lewis, Hilda Lucas, George
Lautenberg, Frank Lewis, Jenny Lucas, Josh
Lavater, Johann Kaspar Lewis, Jerry Lee Luccock, Halford E.
LaVey, Anton Lewis, John Luce, Clare Boothe
Lavigne, Avril Lewis, John L. Lucian
Lavoisier, Antoine Lewis, Joseph Lucie-Smith, Edward
Law, Andrew Bonar Lewis, Lennox Lucretius
Law, Jude Lewis, Leona Ludacris
Law, William Lewis, Matthew Ludendorff, Erich
Lawhead, Stephen R. Lewis, Ray (American football) Ludwig, Arnold M.
Lawless, Blackie Lewis, Roger Ludwig, Emil
Lawless, Lucy Lewis, Sinclair Lukashenko, Alexander
Lawrence, Brother Lewis, Wyndham Lukianoff, Greg
Lawrence, D. H. LeWitt, Sol Lukofsky, Marla
Lawrence, Martin Lewontin, Richard Lukyanenko, Sergei
Lawrence, Thomas Edward (T. E.) Ley, Robert Lula da Silva, Luiz Inacio
Lawson, Henry Li Bai Lulu (singer)
Lawson, John Howard Licklider, J. C. R. Lupescu, Valya Dudycz
Lawson, Nigel Liddell, Henry George Lusha, Masiela
Lawson, Nigella Liddon, Henry Parry Lustiger, Jean-Marie Cardinal
Laxness, Halldor Liddy, G. Gordon Luther, Martin
Layard, Austen Henry Lie, Hakon Wium Lutz, Robert
Layton, Irving Lieberman, Avigdor Lutze, Viktor
Layton, Jack Lieberman, Joe Luxemburg, Rosa
Lazarus, Emma Liebig, Justus von Lyacos, Dimitris
Le Bailly, Louis Liebling, A. J. Lycurgus
le Carre, John Liebman, Wendy Lydgate, John
Le Corbusier Lifshitz, Evgeny Lydon, John
Le Fanu, Sheridan Ligeti, Gyorgy Lydon, Michael
Le Guin, Ursula K. Lightfoot, Gordon Lyly, John
Leacock, Stephen Lightman, Alan Lynd, Robert Wilson
Leach, Bernard Lightoller, Charles Lyndsay, David
Leaper, Adrian Ligne, Charles-Joseph Lynch, David
Lear, Edward Lichtenauer, Johannes Lynch, Jessica
Leary, Denis Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph Lynn, Loretta
Leary, Timothy Lichtenstein, Roy Lynne, Jeff
Leavis, F. R. Lilienthal, Otto Lyonne, Natasha
LeBlanc, Romeo Lilly, John C. Lyons, Steve
Lebowitz, Fran Lily, Miss Shangay Lyot, Bernard
Lec, Stanislaw Jerzy Limbaugh, Rush Lyotard, Jean-Francois
Lecky, William Edward Hartpole Lin-Chi Lysiak, Waldemar
Lecoin, Louis Lincoln, Abraham Lyte, Henry Francis
Lederman, Leon M. Lindbergh, Anne Morrow Lythgoe, Nigel
Lee-Hamilton, Eugene Lindbergh, Charles Lyttelton, George
Lee, Albert Lindley, Dennis Lyttelton, Humphrey
Lee, Amy Lindo, Elias Hiam Lytton, Lady Constance
Lee, Ang Lindsay, Eric Mervyn Lytton, Louisa
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