Tuesday, February 11, 2025 Text is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 licence.



Authors starting by P

P-Orridge, Genesis Pendragon, Arthur Uther Plomer, William
Pace, Peter Penman, Sharon Kay Plotinus
Pacino, Al Penn, Mark Plutarch
Pacioli, Luca Penn, Sean Podolsky, Boris
Packer, Kerry Penn, William Poe, Edgar Allan
Pacquiao, Manny Penny, Laura Poehler, Amy
Padgett, Lewis Penrose, Roger Pogrebin, Letty Cottin
Page, Larry Penzias, Arno Allan Pogue, David
Pagels, Heinz Pepys, Samuel Pohl, Oswald
Paglia, Camille Perahia, Murray Poincare, Henri
Pahlavi, Muhammad Reza Peralta, Jose Poinsot, Louis
Pahlavi, Reza Shah Peralta, Luis Maria Poisson, Simeon Denis
Paige, Elaine Percival, Harold W. Poitier, Sidney
Paige, Satchel Percival, James Gates Pol Pot
Paine, Thomas Percy, Thomas Polanski, Roman
Pais, Abraham Percy, Walker Polanyi, John
Paisley, Brad Perelman, S. J. Polanyi, Michael
Paisley, Ian Perens, Bruce Politkovskaya, Anna
Pak, Bo Hi Peres, Asher Polk, James K.
Palahniuk, Chuck Peres, Shimon Polkinghorne, John
Palau, Francisco Peretz, Amir Pollan, Michael
Paley, William Peretz, Isaac Leib Pollard, John Garland
Palgrave, Francis Turner Perger, Andreas Paolo Pollock, Jackson
Palin, Michael Pericles Pollok, Robert
Palin, Sarah Perino, Dana Polonsky, Abraham
Pallenberg, Anita Perkins, Frances Polya, George
Palme, Olof Perl, Martin Lewis Polybius
Palmer, Amanda Perle, George Pomfret, John
Palmer, Samuel Perle, Richard Pompadour, Madame de
Paltrow, Gwyneth Perlis, Alan Pompey the Great
Palumbo, Daryl Perot, Ross Ponsonby, Arthur
Pamuk, Orhan Perowne, Barry Pontius, Chris
Pancke, Gunther Perrault, Charles Poole, William
Pandikattu, Kuruvilla Perrin, Jean Baptiste Pop, Iggy
Panchen, Alec Perrone, Nico Pope, Alexander
Panio, RoseMarie Perry, Fred Pople, John
Panshin, Alexei Perry, Katy Popova, Lyubov
Pantycelyn, William Williams Perry, Matthew Popper, Karl
Panzram, Carl Perry, Nora Porchia, Antonio
Paolini, Christopher Perry, Oliver Hazard Porson, Richard
Papen, Franz von Perry, Ralph Barton Porter, Cole
Papert, Seymour Perry, Rick Porter, George
Pappas, Ted Perry, Troy Porter, Katherine Anne
Paracelsus Persius Porter, Noah
Parent, Bernie Persson, Goran Porter, Peter
Parenti, Michael Perutz, Max Porteus, Beilby
Pareto, Vilfredo Perwani, Deepak Portman, Natalie
Park Chung-hee Pesce, Mark Posner, Vladimir
Parker, Dorothy Pessoa, Fernando Postel, Jon
Parker, Edward Hazen Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich Postman, Neil
Parker, Charlie Peter I of Russia Poswiatowska, Halina
Parker, Isaac Peter of Blois Potok, Chaim
Parker, Kathleen Peter, Dr. Laurence J. Potter, Beatrix
Parker, Martyn (or Martin) Peters, Nancy Potter, Dennis
Parker, Sarah Jessica Peters, Ralph Potter, Henry Codman
Parker, Theodore Peters, Tom Potter, Stephen
Parkes, Nii Ayikwei Peters, Winston Pound, Ezra
Parkinson, C. Northcote Petocz, Andras Poundstone, Paula
Parkman, Francis Petraeus, David Poundstone, William
Parks, Rosa Petrarch Pour-Mohammadi, Mostafa
Parmenides Petronius Pournelle, Jerry
Parnell, Charles Stewart Petrosian, Tigran Powe, B. W.
Parnell, Thomas Pettigrew, Damian Powell, Anthony
Parrish, Carolyn Petty, Tom Powell, Bud
Parrish, Maxfield Peuhu, Jaani Powell, Colin
Parry, Bruce Pevsner, Nikolaus Powell, Enoch
Parsons, Bob Pfaff, William Powell, Frederick York
Parsons, Lucy Pfeiffer, Michelle Powell, George Henry
Parsons, Thomas William Phaedrus Powell, John
Part, Arvo Phelps, Fred Powell, Lewis F.
Parton, Dolly Phelps, Michael Powell, Michael
Partridge, Andy Phelps, William Lyon Powell, William (author)
Pascal, Blaise Philip II of Spain Power, Cat
Passeroni, Giancarlo Philip, Duke of Edinburgh Power, Samantha
Passmore, John Philips, Ambrose Powers, Harold
Pasternak, Boris Philips, Emo Powers, Richard
Pasteur, Louis Philips, John Powers, Tim
Pastorius, Jaco Phillips, Howard Powys, John Cowper
Patanjali Phillips, Melanie Pozdniakov, Stanislav
Pataudi, Mansoor Ali Khan Phillips, Sian Prabhupada, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Patel, A.D. Phillips, Trevor Praed, Winthrop Mackworth
Patel, Raj Phillips, Utah Pran, Dith
Patel, Sardar Vallabhbhai Phillips, Wendell Pratchett, Terry
Pater, Walter Philo Prato, Maurizio
Paterson, Andrew Phipps, Simon Pratt, Orson
Paterson, Isabel Phoenix, River Prazina, Jusuf
Paterson, Samuel Piaget, Jean Prefontaine, Steve
Patchen, Kenneth Piailug, Mau Prentiss, Elizabeth Payson
Patinkin, Mandy Piatt, Sarah Morgan Bryan Prescott, John
Patmore, Coventry Picasso, Pablo Prescott, William
Patrick, Dan Piccard, Jeannette Prescott, William H.
Patrick, Deval Piccolomini, Alessandro Presley, Elvis
Patrick, Robert (playwright) Pickford, Mary Pressel, Wilhelm von
Patrick, Saint Picoult, Jodi Pressly, Jaime
Patrol, Snow Pielke, Roger A. Preston, Margaret Junkin
Patterson, William A. Pieper, Josef Prevert, Jacques
Patton, George S. Pierce, Franklin Prevost, Antoine Francois
Patton, Mike Piercy, Marge Price, Richard H.
Paul of Tarsus Piero, Alessandro Del Price, Robert M.
Paul VI (Pope) Pieron, Henri Priest, Cherie
Paul, Arin Pierpont, James (musician) Priestley, J. B.
Paul, Jean Pierpont, John Priestley, Joseph
Paul, Rand Pierrepoint, Albert Prime, Samuel I.
Paul, Ron Pietro, Antonio Di Primo de Rivera, Jose Antonio
Paul, Vincent de Pigou, Arthur Cecil Prince (musician)
Paul, Wolfgang Pike, Albert Princess Beatrice of the United Kingdom
Paulescu, Nicolae Pike, Bob Princip, Gavrilo
Pauli, Wolfgang Pike, Rob Prior, Matthew
Pauling, Linus Pilates, Joseph Pritchett, Henry Smith
Paulus, Friedrich Pilecki, Witold Pritchett, V. S
Pausanias Pilger, John Procter, Adelaide Anne
Pausch, Randy Pilgrim, Mark Procter, Bryan
Pavarotti, Luciano Pilgrim, Peace Proctor, Richard Anthony
Paves, Ken Pilkey, Orrin H. Prodi, Romano
Pavese, Cesare Pilkington, Karl Proenneke, Richard
Pavlou, Stel Pilsudski, Jozef Profumo, Valerie
Pavlov, Ivan Pindar Prokofiev, Sergei
Pavlyuk, Ihor Ping, Jean Prompan, Jatuporn
Pavolini, Alessandro Pinker, Steven Prose, Francine
Pawson, Tony Pinkney, Edward Coote Protagoras
Payne Smith, Robert Pinochet, Augusto Proudfit, David Law
Payne, C. F. Pinsky, Robert Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph (P. J.)
Payne, John Howard Pinter, Harold Proust, Marcel
Payne, Pierre Stephen Robert Piper, Billie Province, Charles
Payne, Rob Piper, H. Beam Prudentius
Payson, Edward Piper, John (artist) Prus, Boleslaw
Paz, Octavio Piper, John (theologian) Prutkov, Kozma
Peacock, Thomas Love Pipes, Daniel Pryor, Mark
Peake, Mervyn Pirandello, Luigi Pryor, Richard
Peale, Norman Vincent Piraten, Fritiof Nilsson Przeworski, Adam
Peano, Giuseppe Pirsig, Robert M. Ptahhotep
Pearce, Jonathan Pisani, Joseph Ptolemy
Pearl Poet Pisani, Vittore Pudney, John
Pearl, Minnie Pitt, Brad Pugh, Lewis Gordon
Pearse, Patrick Pitt, William Pugliese, Osvaldo
Pearson, Kevin W. Pitt, William Pugliese, Osvaldo
Pearson, Lester B. Pitt, William Pujols, Albert
Peart, Neil Pittacus of Mytilene Pulevski, Georgi
Peck, Gregory Pittman, Frank Pulitzer, Joseph
Peck, Ralph Brazelton Pittman, Sean Puller, Chesty
Pedersen, Charles J. Pius X, Pope Pullman, Philip
Peek, Kim Pius XII, Pope Pulteney, William
Peel, Robert Pivovarova, Sasha Punch, Sean
Peele, George Plait, Phil Punja, Hari
Peers, Michael Plame, Valerie Punshon, William Morley
Pegahmagabow, Francis Planck, Max Purcell, Edward Mills
Peguy, Charles Plante, Jacques Purcell, Steve
Pechstein, Max Plath, Sylvia Pusey, Edward Bouverie
Peikoff, Leonard Plato Pushkin, Aleksandr (Alexander Pushkin)
Peiper, Joachim Plautus Puskas, Ferenc
Peirce, Benjamin Player, Gary Putin, Vladimir
Peirce, Charles Sanders Plimer, Ian Putnam, Hilary
Pekurinen, Arndt Plimpton, George Puttnam, David
Pele Plimpton, Martha Pynchon, Thomas
Pelosi, Nancy Pliny the Elder Pythagoras
Pen, Jean-Marie Le Pliny the Younger
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