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Reza Shah Pahlavi (1878 – 1944)

Shah of Iran, was the monarch of Iran from 1925 to 1941.
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Reza Shah Pahlavi
The Queen Mother told us stories of her married life with Reza Shah. On her wedding night, her husband, then a mere brigadier was forced to ply her with brandy to calm her nerves. Even as Queen, she said, she did her best to keep out of his way.
Pahlavi quotes
The inhabitants of Tehran are invited to keep quiet.
If only I had a thousand rifles of the same calibre!

Pahlavi Reza Shah quotes
Our younger intellectuals cannot possibly understand, and thus cannot possibly judge Reza Shah. They cannot because they were too young to remember the chaotic and desperate conditions out of which he arose.
Pahlavi Reza Shah
How could I have been in love with him? Most of the time I was far too cross.
Reza Shah Pahlavi quotes
I know you can be strong, but I want you always to be strong for your brother. Stay close to him and tell him to stand firm in the face of dangers of any kind.
Reza Shah Pahlavi
... contrary to what many believed, my father was kind and tenderhearted, especially towards his family. His forbidding sternness seemed to melt into love, kindness, and easy familiarity when he was with us. Especially with me, his acknowledged successor to the throne, he would play lightheartedly. When we were alone together, he would sing me little songs; I don't remember his ever doing this in front of others, but when only the two of us were there, he would often sing to me.
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