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Music Quotes - random - 100+ quotes

Walter Lippmann | Music Quotes
It requires wisdom to understand wisdom: the music is nothing if the audience is deaf.
Eduard Hanslick
Music means itself.
Van Morrison
Music is spiritual. The music business is not.

Morton Feldman
To understand what music has to be, you have to live for music. Who's ready to do that?
Jack Vance
Music is like a language: you cannot understand it unless you learn it, or more accurately, are born into it.
Robert Charles Wilson | Music Quotes
I suppose every decade gets the music it deserves.
Much music marreth men's manners.
William Julius Mickle
His very foot has music in't
As he comes up the stairs.
George Gershwin
I frequently hear music in the heart of noise.
Gloria Estefan
The most beautiful thing about music is that it transcends most anything.
Sir Thomas Browne | Music Quotes
Happy are they that go to bed with grave music like Pythagoras..

Andrew Sega
I have a love for cheesy music. I don't want to list any bands and embarrass myself ;D
Joseph Addison
Music, the greatest good that mortals know,
And all of heaven we have below.
Claude Debussy
Music expresses the motion of the waters, the play of curves described by changing breezes.
Victor Hugo
Music is the vapour of art.
Keshia Chante | Music Quotes
The music game is more than just my love for singing, its a sport for me.
Katya Chamma
"Katya Chamma is example of quality in independent music."
Elvis Costello
WARNING: This album contains country & western music and may cause offence to narrow minded listeners.
Greil Marcus
Van Morrison remains a singer who can be compared to no other in the history of modern popular music.
Sun Ra
Music is not material. Music is Spiritual.

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