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Imagination Quotes - random - 100+ quotes

The moving power of mathematical invention is not reasoning, but imagination.
John Keats
The imagination may be compared to Adam's dream — he awoke and found it truth.
Immanuel Kant
Happiness is not an ideal of reason but of imagination.

Bertrand Russell
Science may set limits to knowledge, but should not set limits to imagination.
George Moore
We humans are more complicated than animals, and we love through the imagination.
Carl Sagan | Imagination Quotes
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.
Emil Cioran
Life is possible only by the deficiencies of our imagination and memory.
Catherine II of Russia
A great wind is blowing, and that gives you either imagination or a headache.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Uttering a word is like striking a note on the keyboard of the imagination.
Joanna MacGregor
I didn't go to school until I was 11. On your own you develop imagination.
James Thomson | Imagination Quotes
But who can paint
Like Nature? Can imagination boast,
Amid its gay creation, hues like hers?

Laurette Taylor
Personality is more important than beauty, but imagination is more important than both of them.
William Butler Yeats
Does the imagination dwell the most
Upon a woman won or woman lost?
Iris Murdoch
But fantasy kills imagination, pornography is death to art.
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson's life in space-time colored his liberated life of the imagination.
Neil Gaiman | Imagination Quotes
Why do I have this imagination? It's the only one I've got!
John Dos Passos
Great works of the imagination are not produced quickly nor do they take quick effect on the popular mind.
Ambrose Bierce
Liberty, n. One of imagination's most precious possessions.
Daniel C. Dennett
Philosophers' Syndrome: mistaking a failure of the imagination for an insight into necessity.
George Bernard Shaw
Conceive. That is the word that means both the beginning in imagination and the end in creation.

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