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Sadness Quotes - random - 100+ quotes

George Henry Lewes | Sadness Quotes
The only cure for grief is action.
Thomas Aquinas
Sorrow can be alleviated by good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine.
Publilius Syrus
It is a consolation to the wretched to have companions in misery.

Thomas Aquinas
Sorrow can be alleviated by good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine.
David Levy
There are three things needed to eliminate human misery. Unfortunately, nobody knows what they are.
Thomas Malory | Sadness Quotes
The joy of love is too short, and the sorrow thereof, and what cometh thereof, dureth over long.
Eleanor Roosevelt
When will our consciences grow so tender that we will act to prevent human misery rather than avenge it?
John Kenneth Galbraith
At best, in such depression times, monetary policy is a feeble reed on which to lean.
Thomas Henry Huxley
The only medicine for suffering, crime, and all the other woes of mankind, is wisdom.
William Mountford
When we feel how God was in our sorrows, we shall trust the more blessedly that He will be in our deaths.
Emil Cioran | Sadness Quotes
Woes and wonders of power, that tonic hell, synthesis of poison and panacea.

N. K. Jemisin
There is no logic to grief.
Indro Montanelli
Depression is a democratic sickness: it afflicts everyone.
Willie Dixon
I am the blues
I am the blues
The whole world knows
I've been mistreated and misused.
Joseph Addison
To my confusion, and eternal grief,
I must approve the sentence that destroys me.
It is from the blues that all that may be called American music derives its most distinctive characteristic.
Wesley Willis
"Suck a polar bears funky ass!" - Suck a Cheetah's Dick
Pierre de Ronsard
Sorrow is always a companion of pleasure.
Depression is anger without enthusiasm. - Steven C
Theodore Dreiser
Art is the stored honey of the human soul, gathered on wings of misery and travail.

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