Work Quotes - random - 100+ quotes
The memory of how we work will endure beyond the products of our work.
Nothing is so certain as that the evils of idleness can be shaken off by hard work. (translator unknown).
Work on the one side, the home on the other—they were two walls in the one prison.
A man who is free is like a mangy sheep in a herd. He will contaminate my entire kingdom and ruin my work.
There is no work so mean, but it would amply serve me to furnish me with sustenance.
A diary is more or less the work of a man of clay whose hands are clumsy and in whose eyes there is no light.
"...makes my TV work look professional."
A game of rugby is a work of art!
To endeavour to work upon the vulgar with fine sense, is like attempting to hew blocks with a razor.
I knew that I had been chosen as God's instrument for the work of the healing of the nation.
For his heart was in his work, and the heart
Giveth grace unto every Art.
The best work is not what is most difficult for you; it is what you do best.
Almost any interesting work of art comes close to saying the opposite of what it really says.
God the Almighty has made our nation. By defending its existence we are defending His work...
It sweetens every bit of work to think that I am doing it in humble, far-off, yet real imitation of Jesus.
That's a lot of hard work gone under the water, under the bridge.
If you knew how much work went into it, you would not call it genius.
'Course, that doesn't work when 'a' contains parentheses.
A great work by an Englishman is like a great battle won by England. It is an unfading bay tree.
Blessed is he who has found his work; let him ask no other blessedness.