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Thomas Fuller (writer) (1654 – 1734)

English physician, writer and adage collector.
Thomas Fuller (writer)
Wolves may lose their Teeth, but not their Nature.
Fuller quotes
Hypocrisy is a Sort of Homage, that Vice pays to Virtue.
Nothing more smooth than Glass, yet nothing more brittle ;
Nothing more fine than Wit, yet nothing more fickle.

Words are but Wind ; but seeing is believing.
Fuller Thomas (writer)
None so deaf, as he that will not hear.
A Fool and his Money are soon parted.
Thomas Fuller (writer)
While there is Life, there is Hope.
Many can bear Adversity, but few Contempt.
To the Wise
A Word may suffice.
Fuller Thomas (writer)
What cannot be alter'd, must be borne, not blam’d.
Thomas Fuller (writer)
Wise Men learn by other Men's Harms ; Fools, by their own.

Set a Thief to catch a Thief.
Thomas Fuller (writer)
Barefoot must not go among Thorns.
Fuller quotes
He that advised thee not to let the Sun set in thine anger, did not command thee to trust a deceiving Enemy next Morning.
Fuller Thomas (writer)
Silence gives Consent.
Long life hath long Misery.
Thomas Fuller (writer)
Beggars and Borrowers must be no Chusers.
The Wrath of Brothers, is fierce and devilish.
Thomas Fuller (writer)
To run the Wild-Goose Chace.
Fuller Thomas (writer)
Bees that have Honey in their Mouths, have Stings in their Tails.

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