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Pearl Poet

The Pearl Poet is a name conventionally given to the 14th century English author of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, Patience, Cleanness and possibly Saint Erkenwald.
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Pearl Poet
"Motele? may so meke and mylde",
?en sayde I to ?at lufly flor,
"Bryng me to ?at bygly bylde
And let me se ?y blysful bor."
?at schene sayde: "?at God wyl schylde;
?ou may not enter wythinne hys tor."
Pearl Poet quotes
For when ?at ?e Helle herde ?e houndez of heuen,
He watz ferlyly fayn, vnfolded bylyue;
?e grete barrez of ?e abyme he barst vp at onez,
?at alle ?e regioun torof in riftes ful grete,
& clouen alle in lyttel cloutes ?e clyffez aywhere,
As lauce leuez of ?e boke ?at lepes in twynne.
Pearl Poet
Luf lokez to luf & his leue takez,
For to ende alle at onez & for euer twynne.
By forty dayez wern faren, on folde no flesch styryed.

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