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Witold Pilecki (1901 – 1948)

Polish cavalry captain, the founder of a WWII resistance movement Secret Polish Army, who deliberately let himself get caught and imprisoned in Auschwitz in order to organize resistance there.
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Witold Pilecki
I was not a[n intelligence] resident, only a Polish officer. I carried out my orders until arrested. I had no sense that I was a spy, and I ask that this be taken into account in deciding my verdict.
Pilecki quotes
During the first 3 years at Auschwitz, 2 million people were killed. Over the next 2 years, 3 million.
If Józef Cyrankiewicz finds out I'm here, I'm dead.

Pilecki Witold quotes
I found a joy in myself, coming from the awareness that I want to fight.
Pilecki Witold
So they didn't let anybody else off. I can't live anymore, they've done me. Auschwitz was just a child's play.
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