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Samuel Lover (1797 – 1868)

Irish songwriter, novelist, as well as a painter of portraits, chiefly miniatures.
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Samuel Lover
A baby was sleeping,
Its mother was weeping,
For her husband was far on the wild-raging sea.
Lover quotes
"That 's eight times to-day that you 've kissed me before."
"Then here goes another," says he, "to make sure,
For there 's luck in odd numbers," says Rory O'More.
Sure the shovel and tongs
To each other belongs.

Lover Samuel quotes
As she sat in the low-backed car
The man at the turn-pike bar
Never asked for the toll
But just rubbed his auld poll
And looked after the low-backed car.
Lover Samuel
And with my advice, faith I wish you'd take me.
Samuel Lover quotes
For dhrames always go by conthraries, my dear.
Samuel Lover
Sure my love is all crost
Like a bud in the frost
And there's no use at all in my going to bed,
For 't is dhrames and not slape that comes into my head!
Lover Samuel quotes
Reproof on her lip, but a smile in her eye.
For a ballad's a thing you expect to find lies in.
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