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John Gibson Lockhart (1794 – 1854)

Scottish biographer, literary critic, novelist and journalist, best known for his biography of his father-in-law, Walter Scott.
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John Gibson Lockhart
A male Horace Walpole.
Lockhart quotes
Here lies the peerless paper lord, Lord Peter,
Who broke the laws of God and man, and metre.
Barring drink and the girls, I ne'er heard of a sin –
Many worse, better few, than bright, broken Maginn.

Lockhart John Gibson quotes
It is an old belief
That on some solemn shore
Beyond the sphere of grief
Dear friends shall meet once more.
Lockhart John Gibson
It is a better and a wiser thing to be a starved apothecary than a starved poet; so back to the shop Mr. John, back to "plasters, pills, and ointment boxes," &c. But, for Heaven's sake, young Sangrado, be a little more sparing of extenuatives and soporifics in your practice than you have been in your poetry.
John Gibson Lockhart quotes
It is strange that no one seems to think it at all necessary to say a single word about another new school of poetry which has of late sprung up among us. This school has not, I believe, as yet received any name; but if I may be permitted to have the honour of christening it, it may henceforth be referred to by the designation of The Cockney School.
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