Science Quotes - random
The fool will upset the whole science of astronomy.
Science must begin with myths, and with the criticism of myths.
Secrecy in science does not work. Withholding information does more damage to us than to our competitors.
Conscience is a mother-in-law whose visit never ends.
The governing idea of Hellenism is spontaneity of consciousness; that of Hebraism, strictness of conscience.
Science is, on the whole, an informal activity, a life of shirt sleeves and coffee served in beakers.
He doesn't believe a trumpet and a megaphone are part of a scientist's equipment.
Every beginning is difficult, holds in all sciences.
The wealthy are always surrounded by hangers-on; science and art are as well.
There are no secrets in science.
Humane science must be adapted to the requirements of a balanced and rewarding life.
Science fiction is no more written for scientists than ghost stories are written for ghosts.
That others know: science. That others choose: politics.
Galileo, perhaps more than any other single person, was responsible for the birth of modern science.
By the glare of false science betray’d,
That leads to bewilder, and dazzles to blind.
I take with me the conscience of defeat as a victory banner.
Science is competitive, aggressive, demanding. It is also imaginative, inspiring, uplifting.
Science is the future of mankind.
All good science is art. And all good art is science.
We only labor to stuff the memory, and leave the conscience and the understanding unfurnished and void.