Thursday, October 24, 2024 Text is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 licence.

Christopher Monckton

Former British policy advisor and journalist.
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Christopher Monckton
So at last the communists who piled out of the Berlin Wall and into the environmental movement and took over Greenpeace so that my friends who founded it left within a year because they'd captured it. Now the apotheosis is at hand. They are about to impose a communist world government on the world.
Monckton quotes
There is no scientific consensus that man is the primary cause of global warming. ... Nature, not human activity, rules the climate.
I would want to make absolutely sure that he [President Obama] was born here before allowing him to be elected. And the birth certificate that he put up on that website, I don't know where he was born. But I do know that birth certificate isn't genuine.

Monckton Christopher quotes
I have begun drafting a memorandum for the prosecuting authorities, together with all evidence necessary to establish not only the existence of numerous specific instances of scientific or economic fraud in relation to the official “global warming” storyline but also the connections between these instances, and the overall scheme of deception that the individual artifices appear calculated to reinforce.
Monckton Christopher
Not greatly to my surprise—indeed I predicted it—the satellite crashed on take-off because the last thing they [NASA] want is real world hard data.
Christopher Monckton quotes
The point is, these [oil spill] accidents will happen. As we scientists say, s--t happens.
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