Szymon Starowolski (1588 – 1656)
Polish writer, historian"I wanted to reveal how valued all ancient relics should be, the source of our knowledge about the past, ignorance of which brings shame, and knowledge of which should bring praise".
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"I wanted to reveal how valued all ancient relics should be, the source of our knowledge about the past, ignorance of which brings shame, and knowledge of which should bring praise". (Pragnąłem odsłonić to, w jakiej cenie powinny być u nas wszelkiego rodzaju pamiątki przeszłości, źródło naszej wiedzy o dziejach, których nieznajomość o ile przynosi wstyd, o tyle przyswojenie sobie zasługuje na pochwałę.) Monumenta Sarmatorum viam universare carnis ingressorum
On Nicolaus Copernicus, listed as No. LXVII in Scriptorum Polonicorum, Frankfurt/Main 1625, Venice 1627
"The state should look into this, as other nations do: see to it that nobles do not take the lives of their subjects at will, or burden them with unjust toil - as if they were dumb cattle!"
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