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Seishiro Itagaki (1885 – 1948)

General in the Imperial Japanese Army in World War II and a War Minister.
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Seishiro Itagaki
Now that the Emperor has accepted the Potsdam Declaration, we must lay down our arms. Obeying the Emperor's order, we shall not fight. We must keep peace and order and we shall not make any trouble.
Itagaki quotes
We hope the peace will last for twenty years. Then we will be here again.
The war will continue a long time. Chiang Kai-shek may attempt to continue hostilities throughout his ifetime and as long as Chiang continues, Japan must continue.

Itagaki Seishiro quotes
It is a place rich in natural resources, having everything we need for national defense, a crucial place for the empire's self-reliance. The place is crucial too for our wars with China, Russia, and the U.S.
Itagaki Seishiro
The Chinese courts have tried many Japanese officers for their crimes against the Chinese. These men committed thousands of crimes against Koreans. They killed and persecuted thousands of our people for refusing to help the Japanese war effort. They forced Koreans into the coal mines as slave laborers and let them die of tuberculosis and neglect.
Seishiro Itagaki quotes
I am convinced that in times such as these, every man must be a soldier, in substance as well as in name.
Seishiro Itagaki
I am convinced of the necessity to take an effective measure of self defense.
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