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Hastings Ismay (1887 – 1965)

British soldier and diplomat, remembered primarily for his role as Winston Churchill's chief military assistant during the Second World War and his service as the first Secretary General of NATO from 1952 to 1957.
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Hastings Ismay
On the w:Festival of Britain, "We are consciously and deliberately determined to make history."
Ismay quotes
On the purpose of NATO: "To keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down."
"Churchill owed more, and admitted that he owed more [to Ismay] than to anybody else, military or civilian, in the whole of the war."

Ismay Hastings quotes
On NATO "I am convinced that the present solution is only a partial one, aimed at guarding the heart. It must grow until the whole free world gets under one umbrella."
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