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Jim Goad

American author and publisher noted for the controversy surrounding his magazine ANSWER Me!.
Jim Goad
Many of the racial problems in America are caused by the fact that people are innately tribal, and politicians know how to exploit that biological fact. And since power is built on money, it is in politicians’ best interest to fan racial unrest—even when it’s done under the guise of anti-racist touchy-mushy let’s-all-hold-hands propaganda, because anti-racism still keeps everyone’s attention fixated on race—to divert attention away from financial inequities. They do this because they know that it works.
Goad quotes
Every black guy who was in my cell said he respected nazis and no one else because they presume everyone is tribal and everyone is a racist. They know where they stand with the nazis. They're not going to stab them in the back. They will stab them while looking at them, which is preferable.
Life grows short. Have you done everything you wanted to do, or have you played it safe?

Goad Jim quotes
Place something good in front of me, and I'll smash it to pieces.
Goad Jim
People can be so heartless and dirty.
Jim Goad quotes
Written history, like the missionary position, is an act executed from the top looking down.
Jim Goad
If you don't take risks, you're already dead.
Goad Jim quotes
Even though tax protest is portrayed as extremism, most Americans probably cheat on their tax reports.
Jesus is dead. Moses is dead. Mohammed is dead. Buddha, deceased. Every one of these know-it-alls has turned to dust. That should be enough commentary on whether they were the final word on anything.
Goad Jim
If I cared about what you thought, I'd be writing for National Geographic or something.
Jim Goad
If indigenous Amazonian tribes were subjects to acid rain, the liberals were emotionally devastated. But if a trailer park of white trash across town all got cancer because they lived atop a toxic dump, it was a joke.

Jim Goad quotes
Can you imagine a higher moral calling than to destroy someone’s dreams with one bullet…?
Jim Goad
Racial struggles are never purely racial.
Goad quotes
I can’t appreciate someone else’s history if I’m forced to reject and feel ashamed about mine.
Goad Jim
Back in ’95, when the District Attorney of Billingham, Washington, took a pair of newsstand owners to trial for selling ANSWER Me! #4, it was truly surreal to see layouts from my magazine blasted onto a white wall with an overhead projector. "Basically, it tells you how to rape everyone", the DA told the jury. It’s always unsettling when a stranger seems certain of your intentions and motivations, when they couldn’t be further from the truth. This sense of anguish is heavily compounded when the stranger in question has the power to destroy your life.
Goad Jim quotes
I never wanted an easy life.
Jim Goad
Roaches. If you see one of them, there's fifty thousand more where that came from.
Jim Goad quotes
All the holy scriptures of all the world's major religions are nonsense.
Jim Goad
Shit can be used as fertilizer.
Goad Jim
Everybody says I'm a bad kid, so I guess I am.

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