Movie Quotes - random - 100+ quotes
The action genre has always had a fascist potential, and it surfaces in this movie.
Films like Fargo are why I love the movies.
It's about two percent movie-making and ninety-eight percent hustling. It's no way to spend a life.
I’m a movie star. Can I talk to my entertainment lawyer?
I often sneak into the cinema and watch how the audience are reacting to my movie. It teaches me so much.
We'll be sending a print to the MPAA, we say nothing about it and hope they sleep through the movie.
"It was like a bad movie, except he didn't actually twirl his mustache."
To this day, when men meet me, there's always that movie in the back of their mind.
I would rather eat a golf ball than see this movie again.
I didn't get into entertainment until I was like 31. I didn't star in a movie until I was 46.
The movie is being revived around the country for midnight cult showings. Midnight is not late enough.
If you can't make fun of bad movies on serious subjects, what's the point?
Editing makes or breaks a movie, you know.
No movie featuring either Harry Dean Stanton or M. Emmet Walsh in a supporting role can be altogether bad.
Movies were much better in the days when I was doing them.
You got to believe in the ball, and throw your self. (Not Another Teen Movie)
You know who Carrot-Top should be married to in a movie? Gallagher.
A movie about the past is not the same as the past.
Who now reads novels as a guide to life and love? Everyone wants to star in his or her own movie.
Why did they give an R rating to a movie perfect for teenagers?