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Jack Thompson (1976 – 2008)

John Bruce "Jack" Thompson is an American activist who was an American attorney often cited in the media for his extreme views on the effects of obscenity and violence in popular media.
Jack Thompson
Actually, the people who have cashed in on the deaths is Rockstar. That's why God and I are going to destroy them. Thanks for writing.
Thompson quotes
Wow, the level of comments here indicates why it is a good thing that gamers' standards are not the community's standards for discourse and entertainment.
Looks like the profanity in GTA has filtered into the pixelante subculture.
Anyway, we got the law passed unanimously in Louisiana and Video Game Nation got nothing passed, so is this a great country or what?!
I'm working with the Louisiana AG's office, and we expect to have the law held constitutional as it is not like the other laws that have been passed. But you all here wouldn't know, because you haven't read the federal court rulings, I have, and then I drafted the law, which deals with the rulings.
God bless Louisiana! Hooah!
Jack Thompson
Gee, Hal, What Do You Think About This Development? Maybe IEMA can spread some money around and try to influence the Alabama Attorney General, too!

Thompson Jack quotes
Dennis McCauley published here a letter they wrote for David Walsh. Duh.
Thompson Jack
" It's called democracy, junior Get used to it, and get used to having adult games sold to kids taken away from you, as in Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and any other civilized country in which Rockstar is nailed.
Jack Thompson quotes
Jack Thompson will testify this coming Wednesday, March 15, before the Delaware legislature on behalf of a video game bill he helped draft. Game Politics knew about this days ago. Why did Dennis McCauley not report it? Surely video game enthusiasts are not censoring the news in defense of the First Amendment, now are they? Not our Dennis!
Jack Thompson
Is this a great country or what? Steve Strickland gets to testify and pixelante thugs who can't read the Constitution don't get to. I love it.
Thompson Jack quotes
You all are the new book burners. Heil PS2! Heil Halo! Heil GTA!
Oh, I get it. If I shut up, you all will stop breaking the federal law on sending harassing emails? Gee, giving into terrorists is a great idea. Jack Thiompson PS: Get help for your above-depicted mental condition, please.
Thompson Jack
Nobody gets to designate the charity except Paul Eibeler. Can you read? Are you on drugs? Have the games fried your frontal lobes so thoroughly that even a "Dead Kenny" has more grey matter than you? Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson
Game Politics Is Utterly Wrong About This Bill
Dennis McCauley either can't read or doesn't want to read. The bill, as proposed, has TWO separate parts. The sexual material harmful to minors part (the porn part), simply brings video games into the definition of sexual material harmful to minors, by virtue of sexual content, that all other products distributed to minors in Oklahoma must adhere to.
The other portion deals with violent material that is harmful to minors, which can include video games. There is absolutely NO equating in the bill of violence with porn. Just the opposite is the case. Sexual material that is harmful to minors is one category (40+ states have such laws on the books), and then the violent section of the bill deals with mature games that are clearly inappropriate and thus harmful to minors by virtue of the violence, not the porn.
Dennis, get a lawyer. You need one to read bills, apparently.
Jack Thompson

Jack Thompson quotes
No, you have an unhealthy involvement in Nazi-like propaganda campaigns
By your logic, identifying a book burner makes one part of a book-burning jihad. The fact is this: Avid video gamers are the most intolerant and most hypocritical people on the public scene today. In the same of "free speech" they terrorize and threaten anyone with whom they disagree.
You all are so utterly wasted mentally that you celebrate being "Pixelantes," when that term refers to your vigilante tactics. Nobody in his or her right mind thinks that being a vigilante is a good thing. Thus, you gamers--and your chronic antics prove it--are clearly not in your right minds.
Thanks for proving the point yet again. Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson
I see that McCauley is not reporting what Steve Strickland's testimony was. Hooah!
Thompson quotes
Actually, games that contain sexual material inappropriate for minors is called "sexual material harmful to minors." It is banned in 43 states, which is why GTA: San Andreas was pulled off the market, remember? Do you all ever read the newspapers here? Jack Thompson
Thompson Jack
Actually... "GP reader" is an oxymoron, Dennis, as I haven't found that a single person who posts here reads anything other than cheat code books. No newspapers, no Bible, no Constitution, none of the West's classics, just cheat code books. Very, very sad. Criminal, really. Jack
Thompson Jack quotes
You want to play hardball…? You want to try to throw me in jail? You have no idea what you are unleashing in doing this. You’re at the brink…
If this court in any fashion proceeds toward issuing a show cause order, given its utter baselessness and the bad faith goo in which it slithers, then Thompson will add whatever judge should do so as a defendant in the aforementioned federal civil rights action…
Jack Thompson
Don't worry, you are so inert that a hurricane couldn't possibly blow you away. Relax.
Jack Thompson quotes
You all need to put down the controllers, get a life, and join the Force, thereby leaving the Dark Side behind. Hooah! Praise be to the Lord, Jesus Christ, the author of all things, even of The Florida Freaking Bar.
Jack Thompson
Weaver Is Woefully Behind the Virtual Reality Curve "Virtual Columbine" is already here. It's called BULLY, Mr. Weaver, and you've obviously missed the school boards (Miami-Dade and two others), the county commissions (Lincoln, New Mexico), and others who actually have degrees in useful disciplines (psychiatry, psychology, education) who understand that Bully is in fact a Columbine simulator. Maybe Mr. Weaver needs to read the newspapers more rather than pro-game trade journals. Maybe he needs to ponder where the Duke sex scandal came from--from a pop culture dumbed down to the video gamers' scum level. Jack Thompson
Thompson Jack
The FTC found adult games are sold to minors 40% of the time. Hal Halpin is a liar.

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