Wisdom Quotes - random - 100+ quotes
Thought the fool is to be pitied, still he is spared watching spurious wisdom turn to ashes in his head.
A virtuous, ordinary life, striving for wisdom but never far from folly, is achievement enough.
Half of wisdom is learning what to unlearn.
There are times when the utmost daring is the height of wisdom.
A fence to wisdom is silence.
Don't gain the world and lose your soul
Wisdom is better than silver and gold.
You're dying to spend a night with me in the Palace of Wisdom. (to Kelly Kelly)
A sweet content
Passing all wisdom or its fairest flower.
Both knowledge and wisdom extend man's reach. Knowledge led to computers, wisdom to chopsticks.
That which seems the height of absurdity in one generation often becomes the height of wisdom in the next.
Nine-tenths of wisdom is appreciation. Go find somebody's hand and squeeze it, while there's time.
The nine Wise Words are full of wisdom, besides being decidedly funny.
Wisdom never learned silence, and it is most annoying when least wanted.
The young have the ability, but lack the wisdom, and the old have the wisdom, but lack the ability.
It is not white hair that engenders wisdom.
Books should to one of these four ends conduce,
For wisdom, piety, delight, or use.
The older I grow the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom.
To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.
On the Day of Judgement, God will interrogate people according to the wisdom he has granted them.