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John Selden (1584 – 1654)

English jurist, legal antiquary and oriental scholar.
John Selden
The House of Commons is called the Lower House, in twenty Acts of Parliament; but what are twenty Acts of Parliament amongst Friends?
Selden quotes
Of all actions of a man's life his marriage does least concern other people, yet of all actions of our life 'tis most meddled with by other people.
Gentelmen heve ever been more temperate in their religion than common people, as having more reason.

Selden John quotes
Never king dropped out of the clouds.
Selden John
Philosophy is nothing but discretion.
John Selden quotes
Thou little thinkest what a little foolery governs the world.
John Selden
'Tis not the drinking that is to be blamed, but the excess.
Selden John quotes
No man is the wiser for his learning.
Marriage is a desperate thing.
Selden John
Scrutamini scripturas (Let us look at the scriptures). These two words have undone the world.
John Selden
You will want a book which contains not man's thoughts, but God's — not a book that may amuse you, but a book that can save you — not even a book that can instruct you, but a book on which you can venture an eternity — not only a book which can give relief to your spirit, but redemption to your soul — a book which contains salvation, and conveys it to you, one which shall at once be the Saviour's book and the sinner's.

John Selden quotes
Humility is a virtue all preach, none practice; and yet everybody is content to hear.
John Selden
Syllables govern the world.
Selden quotes
They that govern the most make the least noise.
Selden John
Never tell your resolution beforehand.
Selden John quotes
Wit and wisdom are born with a man.
John Selden
Take a straw and throw it up into the air — you may see by that which way the wind is.
John Selden quotes
Equity is a roguish thing. For Law we have a measure, know what to trust to; Equity is according to the conscience of him that is Chancellor, and as that is larger or narrower, so is Equity. 'T is all one as if they should make the standard for the measure we call a "foot" a Chancellor's foot; what an uncertain measure would this be! One Chancellor has a long foot, another a short foot, a third an indifferent foot. 'T is the same thing in the Chancellor's conscience.
John Selden
Commonly we say a judgement falls upon a man for something in him we cannot abide.
Selden John
A king is a thing men have made for their own sakes, for quietness' sake. Just as in a family one man is appointed to buy the meat.

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