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William Allingham (1824 – 1889)

Irish man of letters and poet.
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William Allingham
Winds and waters keep
A hush more dead than any sleep.
Allingham quotes
Autumn's the mellow time.
Now Autumn's fire burns slowly along the woods
And day by day the dead leaves fall and melt.

Allingham William quotes
Mary kept the belt of love, and oh, but she was gay!
She danced a jig, she sung a song that took my heart away.
Allingham William
Up the airy mountain,
Down the rushy glen,
We daren't go a-hunting,
For fear of little men.
William Allingham quotes
Oh, bring again my heart's content,
Thou Spirit of the Summer-time!
William Allingham
Scarcely a tear to shed;
Hardly a word to say;
The end of a Summer's day;
Sweet Love is dead.
Allingham William quotes
Tantarrara! the joyous Book of Spring
Lies open, writ in blossoms.
No funeral gloom, my dears, when I am gone,
corpse-gazing, tears, black raiment, graveyard grimness.
Think of me as withdrawn into the dimness,
yours still, you mine.
Remember all the best of our past moments,
and forget the rest;
and so to where I wait, come gently on.
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