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Taryn Manning

American actress, fashion designer and singer/songwriter.
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Taryn Manning
I have so many friends who hate their jobs and man, it's such a struggle trying to find what they love or what they dream of. I feel so lucky that I found what I love and my dreams have started to come true.
Manning quotes
The whole business is a gamble. There's no real stability, you're kind of just floating around like a feather your whole life.
Maybe my face is edgy, but that's because it's the face of somebody who's seen life.

Manning Taryn quotes
The initial drive was instilled in me when I was little, growing up with a single mom, we struggled a lot. I saw my dad but he wasn't financially supportive at all so we were, for lack of a better word, very poor. But I don't want to be the one with that story of being poor and coming up from it. It was really that my mother instilled in me that drive and sense of urgency and it's always been inside of me.
Manning Taryn
I'm not a greedy person, I just want to accomplish so many different things.
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