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Merlin Mann

Author, speaker, and productivity consultant best known for Inbox Zero and the website 43 Folders.
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Merlin Mann
Being consistent is WAY less interesting than being yourself. And if you're not interesting? Good luck with your Big Consistency Project.
Mann quotes
We procrastinate when we've forgotten who we are.
Write your way out of a thinking block—because you'll never think your way out of a writing block.

Mann Merlin quotes
If you don't want a little moisture on the mattress, maybe you shouldn't have gone to the bar.
Mann Merlin
"Friend us on Facebook!" is a social media strategy like "Buy me a malt liquor!" is a charitable giving plan.
Merlin Mann quotes
Distractions have never prevented a Writing Writer Who Writes from writing; distractions are an excuse proffered by Non-Writing Non-Writers Who are Not-Writing for why they are not writing.
Merlin Mann
When you die, no one's going to remember what iPhone you had.
Mann Merlin quotes
If you need to appear on an internet list to know whether you're someone's friend, you may have problems a computer can't solve.
If you want to make a chili, you're going to break some cows.
Mann Merlin
Typing in all lowercase is popular among young people, SMS users, and anyone who feels literacy has become too time-consuming.
Merlin Mann
Joining a Facebook group about creative productivity is like buying a chair about jogging.

Merlin Mann quotes
You sit around and you go, “Oh, I hope people like me, and I hope they friend me, and I hope they do all this superficial stuff that doesn't cost anything.” But what you really want is to not suck enough that people that you really admire wouldn't mind doing something with you.
Merlin Mann
A priority is observed, not manufactured or assigned. Otherwise, it's necessarily not a priority.
Mann quotes
People either make things or they don’t. Inspiration is a poster.
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