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Robert Mannyng

English chronicler and poet.
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Robert Mannyng
There ys no solas undyr hevene
Of al that a man may nevene
That shuld a man so mochë glew
As a gode womman that loveth trew.
Mannyng quotes
He felle dede doun colde as ony stone.
Als thai haf wryten and sayd
Haf I alle in myn Inglis layd,
In symple speche as I couthe,
That is lightest in mannes mouthe.
I mad noght for no disours,
Ne for no seggers, no harpours,
Bot for the luf of symple men
That strange Inglis can not ken.

Mannyng Robert quotes
No thyng ys to man so dere
As wommanys love yn gode manere.
A gode womman is mannys blys.
Mannyng Robert
And thy traveyle shalt thou sone ende,
For to thy long home sone shalt thou wende.
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