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Jerky Boys

The Jerky Boys Characters are the creation of Johnny Brennan, who is also the voice behind Mort Goldman and Horace in the unrelated TV show Family Guy.
Jerky Boys
"And he's got this silly looking Santa hat on, next thing he's down at my pants. He's trying to pull the fuckin', the balls outta my pants!" (from "Santa's Delivery")
Jerky Boys quotes
"We really rock the house." (from "The Mattress King")
Jerky Boys
"Now my wife don't like them prices you gotta do better than that. I'm a veteran" (from "Kissel Sails")

Jerky Boys quotes
"How do ya say there, bottlenose?" (from "Hucklebuck")
Jerky Boys
"Don't get smart with me, woman. I'll come down there and split an ear off you."
Jerky Boys quotes
"Some guy told me I parked to close to his car - I busted his jaw for him." (from "Drinking Problem")
Jerky Boys
"If I didn't know any better I'd say you was a regular jackass!"
Jerky Boys quotes
"I'm also known for pulling large pieces of furniture from my ass. I'm the best." (from "The Gay Model")
Jerky Boys
"I fill balloons up with deadly poison gas and then float them out over the audience." (from "Egyptian Magician")
Jerky Boys
"I wanted to move my penis around to the back side of my ass, because I don't know which way I'm swinging just yet. But I'd like to keep it just in case." (from "Breast Enlargement")
Jerky Boys
"...then I woke up with my pants unbuttoned." (from "Dental Malpractice")

Jerky Boys quotes
"I'm Gary Dell'Abate's mom. This is his mom." (from "Bright")
Jerky Boys
"GET BRETT WEIR I SAID!!!!" (from "Super Across the Way")
Jerky Boys quotes
"Runway is just old hat to me, sweetheart." (from "The Gay Model")
Jerky Boys
"The tomatoes supposed to have them by seven and a half! Is Nikos!" (from "Bad Tomatoes")
Jerky Boys quotes
"Do you have any lobsters?" (from "Rosine Like Balloons")
Jerky Boys
"You sound like you got a nice pair of them fuckin' balogna tits on ya, huh Willy?" (from "Testing for Jeopardy")
Jerky Boys quotes
"Hello Sam? What are you doing?" (from "Bad Tomatoes")
Jerky Boys
"He try to sell-a me the corn on the cock, I don't need dis sol-a-bunasco talabas!!" (from "Bad Tomatoes")
Jerky Boys
"I need you to come RIGHT NOW and sweep all these beer bottles, all from my floor." (from "Little Elf")

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