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George Sand (1804 – 1876)

Most famous under her pseudonym George Sand, was a French novelist and a pioneer of feminism.
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George Sand
Le vrai est trop simple, il faut y arriver toujours par le compliqué.
Sand quotes
L'art n'est pas une étude de la réalité positive; c'est une recherche de la vérité idéale.
La vie ressemble plus souvent ? un roman qu'un roman ne ressemble ? la vie.

Sand George quotes
Les chefs-d'oeuvre ne sont jamais que des tentatives heureuses.
Sand George
J'ai un but, une tâche, disons le mot, une passion. Le métier d'écrire en est une violente et presque indestructible.
George Sand quotes
Tous, quand nous avons un peu de loisir et d'argent, nous voyageons, ou plutôt nous fuyons, car il ne s'agit pas tant de voyager que de partir, entendez-vous? Quel est celui de nous qui n'a pas quelque douleur ? distraire ou quelque joug ? secouer?
George Sand
Immodest creature, you do not want a woman who will accept your faults, you want the one who pretends you are faultless – one who will caress the hand that strikes her and kiss the lips that lie to her.
Sand George quotes
It was there he composed these most beautiful of short pages which he modestly entitled the Preludes. They are masterpieces. Several bring to mind visions of deceased monks and the sound of funeral chants; others are melancholy and fragrant; they came to him in times of sun and health, in the clamor of laughing children under he window, the faraway sound of guitars, birdsongs from the moist leaves, in the sight of the small pale roses coming in bloom on the snow. ... Still others are of a mournful sadness, and while charming your ear, they break your heart. There is one that came to him through an evening of dismal rain — it casts the soul into a terrible dejection. Maurice and I had left him in good health one morning to go shopping in Palma for things we needed at out "encampment." The rain came in overflowing torrents. We made three leagues in six hours, only to return in the middle of a flood. We got back in absolute dark, shoeless, having been abandoned by our driver to cross unheard of perils. We hurried, knowing how our sick one would worry. Indeed he had, but now was as though congealed in a kind of quiet desperation, and, weeping, he was playing his wonderful Prelude. Seeing us come in, he got up with a cry, then said with a bewildered air and a strange tone, "Ah, I was sure that you were dead." When he recovered his spirits and saw the state we were in, he was ill, picturing the dangers we had been through, but he confessed to me that while waiting for us he had seen it all in a dream, and no longer distinguished the dream from reality, he became calm and drowsy while playing the piano, persuaded that he was dead himself. He saw himself drowned in a lake. Heavy drops of icy water fell in a regular rhythm on his breast, and when I made him listen to the sound of the drops of water indeed falling in rhythm on the roof, he denied having heard it. He was even angry that I should intepret this in terms of imitative sounds. He protested with all his might — and he was right to — against the childishness of such aural imitations. His genius was filled with the mysterious sounds of nature, but transformed into sublime equivalents in musical thought, and not through slavish imitation of the actual external sounds. His composition of that night was surely filled with raindrops, resounding clearly on the tiles of the Charterhouse, but it had been transformed in his imagination and in his song into tears falling upon his heart from the sky. … The gift of Chopin is [the expression of] the deepest and fullest feelings and emotions that have ever existed. He made a single instrument speak a language of infinity. He could often sum up, in ten lines that a child could play, poems of a boundless exaltation, dramas of unequalled power.
La beauté qui parle aux yeux, reprit-elle, n’est que le prestige d’un moment; l’?uil du corps n'est pas toujours celui de l'âme.
Sand George
La vie est une longue blessure qui s'endort rarement et ne se guérit jamais.
George Sand
Nous ne pouvons arracher une seule page de notre vie, mais nous pouvons jeter le livre au feu.

George Sand quotes
L'art est une démonstration dont la nature est la preuve.
George Sand
L'art pour l'art est un vain mot. L'art pour le vrai, l'art pour le beau et le bon, voil? la religion que je cherche....
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