Humor Quotes - random
President Ford used humor a great deal.
Humour is an affirmation of dignity, a declaration of man's superiority to all that befalls him.
Cats have no sense of humor, they have terribly inflated egos, and they are very touchy.
A sense of humour is a sense of proportion.
He said I was unequipped to meet life because I had no sense of humor.
Total absence of humor renders life impossible.
Nothing is more curious than the almost savage hostility that Humour excites in those who lack it.
He had the haunted look of the true humorist.
Good humour may be said to be one of the very best articles of dress one can wear in society.
If I didn't have a sense of humor, how could I stand this trial now?
My sense of humor is the raunchier, inappropriate kind. It's so much funnier than the quirky stuff.
His idea of wit is a barrage of filth and the sort of humour most men grow out of in their teens.
Fight any instinct to be humorless, for humorlessness is the worst of all absurdities.
What if a sense of humour is like hair — something a lot of man lose as they get older?
The joy of his column was not that it was side-splitting humor, but that he made you smile.
I'm a classic example of all humorists — only funny when I'm working.
Her looks, her expressions, I think, were her sense of humour.
England is the paradise of individuality, eccentricity, heresy, anomalies, hobbies, and humors.
I have a fine sense of the ridiculous, but no sense of humour.
A sense of humor is a major defense against minor troubles.