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Arlen Specter (1930 – 2012)

United States Senator from Pennsylvania.
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Arlen Specter
There is just no sensible, logical reason why we would not make use of stem cell research.
Specter quotes
We're all looking for a plan that will work. The current plan is not working, and 21,500 additional troops -- it's a snowball in July. It's not going to work.
I had a special project to do a campaign for a Philadelphia politician named Arlen Spector [sic]. “When do I get to see Arlen Spector?” I asked. “You don’t.” Spector was a district attorney in Philadelphia, running for mayor. He wanted New York advertising but he had placed through a Philadelphia agency. I complained about not being able to see Arlen Spector. “Are you crazy?” his people said. “Nobody gets to meet Arlen Spector. We can’t even see him.” “All right,” I said, “what’s Arlen Spector for?” “Arlen Spector is for getting elected.” “All right,” I said, “what’s Arlen Spector against?” “Arlen Spector is against losing.” I did the campaign, but Arlen Spector lost.

Specter Arlen quotes
I didn't want to get into a political debate with him, but my patience was running thin...My shorts were getting a little tight.
Specter Arlen
Resolutions are flying like snowflakes around here.
Arlen Specter quotes
There ought to be a million-person march on the Mall... that can be heard in the living quarters of the White House.
Arlen Specter
I would suggest respectfully to the president that he is not the sole decider. The decider is a shared and joint responsibility.
Specter Arlen quotes
We will submit legislation to the United States Senate which will...authorize the Congress to undertake judicial review of those signing statements with the view to having the president’s acts declared unconstitutional.
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