Life Quotes - page 63
The life of the husbandman,—a life fed by the bounty of earth and sweetened by the airs of heaven.
Though mothers and fathers give us life, it is money alone which preserves it.
A blessed companion is a book,—a book that fitly chosen is a life-long friend.
He is dreadfully married. "He's the most married man I ever saw in my life."
The first consideration for all, throughout life, is the earning of a living.
Nothing that has happened has made me feel gloomy or remain depressed. I love my life.
What is the purpose of life? It is Joy.
Life would be very pleasant if it were not for its enjoyments.
With enigmatic clarity, Life gives us a different answer each time we ask her the same question.
The birthday of my life
Is come, my love is come to me.
Men's weaknesses are often necessary to the purposes of life.
Anything in life worth having is worth working for!
And so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.
Life is nothing without a good sense of humor.
Insight is the booby prize of life.
A man's life is an appendix to his heart.
I will never be satisfied. Life is one constant search for betterment for me.
Each moment of the happy lover's hour is worth an age of dull and common life.
Brotherhood is not just a Bible word. Out of comradeship can come and will come the happy life for all.