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Ysabella Brave

American vocalist and performer more widely known by her web name Ysabella Brave.
Ysabella Brave
I tried to be
what you wanted me to be
But you didn't want a girl you wanted
I can't be part of this machine
I got too much heart to keep it in
I can't be part of your machine
I promise this is not the end
Brave quotes
Don't you think that it's amazing that I'm singing into this silly camera with the desk lamp, and it's going through all these wires and everything else, and these computers, and you still feel what I'm feeling, and you still get what I'm trying to do? Yeah. I think its amazing. And I think it's so nice in a period when we're very isolated people, and kind of emotionless people, I think it's great that we can still touch one another and we can still feel what we're feeling, and we can still have fun, and we can be sad, and we can be happy, and to know that someone cares about you — because I really do. I really do.
And I can't believe that I have over 10,000 subscribers. What is wrong with you people?
I appreciate that you have your own tastes, but — give me a break!

Brave Ysabella quotes
If that is not the case, then we are talking about something that happened in the past, even if it was today, this morning, but it's over. You know, there are people dead and buried in their graves still affecting people, because no one ever forgave them for what they did — that's what not forgiving does — it lets an event live and live with bitterness and hurt, when it needs to be let go.
Brave Ysabella
People have asked me to speak on being sick, and even specifically on chronic pain diseases. ... And I don't know what to tell you, except this — this is something I have discovered. Your body is fighting to live. This is in your very blood, in your heart, in your bones — your body is trying to live, it's fighting to live — and don't give up without a fight, you know? Do what you can do. Figure something out. If you have to, fight with people to get help — whatever it is, but don't give up without a fight. You remember — mark my words — you are here — you should be here — stay.
Ysabella Brave quotes
I look at the lyrics, and if that's something honest for me at the moment, I'll sing it.
Ysabella Brave
Hi, new people — there's a lot of new people. Welcome to the family. We're a little weird here, but we're all very nice — so you'll fit in here. We're kind of intense — but you'll figure it out.
Brave Ysabella quotes
You're doing OK. You're always doing OK — however bad you think you are doing — this is another page of the book. But remember the responsibility you can have, or the power you can have, to make the sun shine a little brighter for the person next to you. Even if you never see them again — it will mean the world to them, what you can do.
So, it's just no hope. I cant be cool. I tried with the giant sunglasses — no dice. Sorry. I remain dorky forever. So — it's okay.
Brave Ysabella
Be careful what you say if you wouldn't want it broadcast everywhere — because you never know. My basic advice would be — for trust — is : Live the way you ought to live — all the time — as much as you can help it.
Ysabella Brave
Hears the music under the rock
One of these days he'll stop
Don't stop when the music stops.

Ysabella Brave quotes
What's in my veins makes me free
Oh what you have done for me!
Two who made a work of art
Mama brought the armor, Daddy engineered the heart.
Ysabella Brave
When you forgive someone, you're not justifying what they've done — you're not saying it was ok, you're letting it go, to stay in the past, where it happened, and moving away from it, so it doesn't sink its teeth into you, and follow you wherever you go. And of course, we don't know what events are going on in that person's life that perhaps led them to do what they were doing, or inspired them, or what kind of person they are sometimes. We never will know everything about what is going on with the whole situation - we only know what has happened to us. And the truth is - there's no point in hanging on to it.
Brave quotes
If you're coming into this YouTube thing, do it because of what you can do for other people... Don't worry so much about yourself, and if you're doing ok, and if you love yourself — you do, trust me. Think of what you can do for other people... Not some kind of self review, not some kind of day or week or however long to make sure you feel good about yourself — but thinking about the other people all around you, all the time, who could always — always use a hand, one way or another, even if it's kindness. Think of that instead. And maybe you are starting to notice my quote on the page "Look without, and you will be fulfilled within — without a doubt." I really mean that — look without, without of yourself — not within.
Brave Ysabella
If I had asked me this about a year/year-and-a-half ago, I would have said "You can't trust everybody!" But now that I've been in the music industry, and famous, and on YouTube and stuff: "You can't trust everybody, at all."
Brave Ysabella quotes
Thank you for praying for me, and wishing me well, and all the support, because I need it a lot. And inside me there is a warrior, but right now, I am a 'Golden Girl'... But I wanted to let you guys know that I have not died, and I am here, and I am going to fight with all I have got to stay — and to help. And I have never been in this bad a condition, but I am determined.
Ysabella Brave
I am speaking of something that is no longer happening — that is not currently going on. If someone is abusing you, or doing something illegal, or even something you refuse to tolerate, and it's still continuing, that is not an issue of forgiveness, that is an issue of making sure that stops — even if you have to get away from that situation — that's very important.
Ysabella Brave quotes
Many people have said since the beginning — actually, all my life — "don't you suppose you were born in the wrong era — the wrong time?" Well, I don't think so at all! Because, don't you see, I can come into your home, in your office, and wherever you are, and sing to you these silly songs. And I'm just a simple lady, and I can show you how much I love you very much, and share these feelings with you. And I don't know that could have been done really this way at any other time. So I think that I was born at just the right time — wouldn't you say?
Ysabella Brave
He came to love, He came to warn
Why do you weep on the day He's born?
He draws the path I walk upon
I died to live just for the Son
Find love, find peace
If you let Him increase
Brave Ysabella
This morning, when I got my mail — there's concrete all over the ground — cement, you know — and these little clovers — the little green clovers, like from St. Patrick's Day — the plant — were growing up out of the cement — no dirt and no nothing and no rain — and there they were, growing up out of the cement, and I was thinking — "that's like me."

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