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Tucker Max

Author and the creator of Tuckermax.
Tucker Max
Yinzer "DAMN!! I wish I had your balls!"
Max quotes
EEK EEK EEK!! That's dolphin for 'I'm sorry.' But you already knew that.. The Midget Story.
I was very thirsty. Laying in the bathtub, looking up at the faucet, I thought of a great idea. So I turned the nozzle on full blast, and put my mouth up to it. It was like drinking from a firehose, but I was too drunk and dehydrated to notice that I was getting completely soaked, or that water was shooting out of my nose. My 21st Birthday.

Max Tucker quotes
Redheadedcalin doll: Doll comes with an innocent smile. Pull her string and doesn't speak, she just opens her legs. Action Figures.
Max Tucker
You ever wake up in the middle of the night because a couple of cats are clawing each other to death outside your window? That's what it's like listening to you speak.The Absinthe Donuts Story.
Tucker Max quotes
Tucker "Are you married?"
Tucker Max
Hey man, so can you speak to dolphins and pilot whales with that forehead of yours? The Midget Story.
Max Tucker quotes
9:00: I don't know what I want. I just point at the Dollar Menu and say, 'Give me all of that.'The Absinthe Donuts Story.
The Academy should give Caitlin a fucking Oscar. She delivered her scripted lines perfectly, even improvising beautifully with the "uncle Tucker" bit. And I should get an award for choreography or something. Tucker uses child labor to get a date.
Max Tucker
What are you looking for, McSeaBass? Its been the same menu for 40 years. Its all McShit. Just fucking order! The Absinthe Donuts Story.
Tucker Max
KJ :Jesus Christ, you are amazing. Where did you learn to fuck like that? TM: Home schooling. The (almost banned) Miss Vermont Story.

Tucker Max quotes
Tucker "You guys going to Milwaukee?"
Tucker Max
We can't get kicked out of McDonald's! This is like the DMZ of drunk eating. The Absinthe Donuts Story.
Max quotes
I have about half a second to make a crucial decision: I can either sprint and hope I make it there before I shit in my boxers, or I can stick my thumb up into my ass and shuffle the 60 yards to lavatory freedom. The Austin Road Trip.
Max Tucker
I am Shiva, Destroyer of Worlds. The Absinthe Donuts Story.
Max Tucker quotes
I turned down $2 million for this script. There's absolutely no way that had I filmed the script through a major studio they would have done anything but fuck this movie up. They would have cut all the balls off the comedy, they would have put Seth Rogen and Dane Cook in it, they would have changed Tucker to make him fall in love, and all this stupid shit that would have driven me up a fucking wall.
Tucker Max
Hi. I haven't insulted you yet, have I? The Absinthe Donuts Story.
Tucker Max quotes
The biggest thing I learned was, especially the way I operate and how I am as a person, if I'm going to do a creative endeavor, I need to have full, complete control. Top to bottom. And with my book and website, I always had that. With the website, definitely, with the book, basically, with the movie...I didn't in a lot of ways. Nils and I, we had a lot of control, more control probably than almost any first time movie makers do within a normal studio system. We were in the middle between independent and not, because someone else paid for everything, and they kind of let us do what we wanted, but then once the movie was done creatively, it went in a direction that I did not want it to go, and there was nothing I could really do about it. It's hard enough to swim in that movie current by yourself, but when you've got weights tied to you and someone pulling you in a different direction, it's almost impossible. You need to pick a direction and go with it. If you're going to be a big studio movie, go be that, and if you're going to go be a rogue independent film, go be that. We had different people with different levels of authority on the movie that pulled us in different directions, and it just doesn't work. Either be in control or let someone else do it, but don't...too many chefs. I'm going to be better next time. Failure instructs, failure improves. Failure shouldn't deter you, unless you're just bad at it.
Tucker Max
I'm sorry, but I stand by my decision. I am now a member of the elite club of people that have fought a professional team mascot. You sir, are not in that club.Tucker goes to hockey game, causes trouble.
Max Tucker
Nose full of fart, mouth full of cock, she never even paused. Girl almost beats Tucker at his own game.

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