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Robert Denning (1927 – 2005)

American interior designer whose lush interpretations of French Victorian decor became an emblem of corporate raider tastes in the 1980s.
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Robert Denning
Cooking is like decorating — it never bores me.
Denning quotes
A la Rothschild, a style I define as many good things used irreverently.
Never put sofas against wall.

Denning Robert quotes
We were about ways to show money.
Denning Robert
I'll accept commissions from anyone who isn't frightened by my proposals.
Robert Denning quotes
Having people be impressed with a house is not a compliment. You don't want them to say, 'What a place!' You want them to sit down and enjoy it.
Robert Denning
Everything is really about lighting.
Denning Robert quotes
I'll be dragged from the last room I do, screaming, 'More!'
I don't like bare floors.
Denning Robert
No white anything (except sheets).
Robert Denning
Find the ideal in something not ideal.

Robert Denning quotes
Appearance is everything. I find that a view is secondary. Even in those apartments on the East River, it's dull, looking out at those little boats.
Robert Denning
Texture and pattern should function as a surprise.
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