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Maurice Ravel (1875 – 1937)

French composer.
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Maurice Ravel
"Mais est-ce qu'il ne vient jamais ? l'idée de ces gens-l? que je peux ?tre 'artificiel' par nature?"
Ravel quotes
"Then M. Ravel discussed another idea. That was that in these days of cacophony it might be quite an original idea for the orchestra to start, say, in C major, and then, through a series of discords the instruments should divide, some going up a semitone at every three or four bars, while others went down in the same way, eventually ending in perfect harmony in C major two octaves apart. He said: 'It is just an idea but it might be rather fun working it out and certainly a novel way of resolving harmony from discord.'"
"I have the intention to dedicate Le Gibet to you. It is not because I think you merit a rope to hang yourself, but because it is the least difficult of the three pieces."

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