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John Hay (1838 – 1905)

American statesman, diplomat, author, journalist, and private secretary and assistant to Abraham Lincoln.
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John Hay
He never funked and he never lied
I reckon he never knowed how.
Hay quotes
At my door the Pale Horse stands
To carry me to unknown lands.
He weren't no saint—but at jedgment
I'd run my chance with Jim.
'Longside of some pious gentlemen
That wouldn't shook hands with him.
He seen his duty, a dead-sure thing—
And went for it thar and then;
And Christ ain't a-going to be too hard
On a man that died for men.

Hay John quotes
Dealing with a government with whom mendacity is a science is an extremely difficult matter.
Hay John
I think that saving a little child
And bringing him to his own,
Is a derned sight better business
Than loafing around the throne.
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