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Carl Hayden (1877 – 1972)

U S Representative from Arizona (1912-1927) and U S Senator from Arizona (1927-1969).
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Carl Hayden
Every Federal program which has contributed to the development of the West—irrigation, power, reclamation—bears his mark, and the great Federal highway program which binds this country, together, which permits this State to be competitive east and west, north and south, this in large measure is his creation. — John F. Kennedy
Hayden quotes
No man in Senate history has wielded more influence with less oratory.
This man knows the legislative process as few others have learned them. He knows that legislation is compromise, he knows that there must be give and take, and he knows how legislative work is accomplished. — Morris Udall

Hayden Carl quotes
No other man has had the distinction of serving this long in Congress, and I venture to say it will be a long time before another does. — Strom Thurmond
Hayden Carl
Because Arizona has two things people will drive thousands of miles to see — Grand Canyon and the Petrified Forest. They can't get there without roads.
Carl Hayden quotes
He has assisted so many projects for so many senators that when old Carl wants something for his beloved Arizona, his fellow senators fall all over themselves giving him a hand. They'd probably vote landlocked Arizona a navy if he asked for it.
Carl Hayden
Never give your enemies any more reason than they already have to go on hating you.
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