Thursday, October 24, 2024 Text is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 licence.

David A. Ridenour

Vice President of The National Center for Public Policy Research, a conservative, non-profit, educational foundation based in Washington, D C.
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David A. Ridenour
“…Copernicus was condemned for suggesting that the sun… was the center of our universe… Giordano Bruno was persecuted, and… burned at the stake for arguing that space extended beyond our solar system…. William Harvey was condemned… for suggesting that the heart was the center of the body's circulatory system… Each ultimately was proven to be correct…. Today U.S. Senators Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) and Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) are engaging in persecution of their own, attempting to silence dissenting voices [on climate change].”
Ridenour quotes
“With environmental progress continuing, environmental consciousness high among the American people and the environmental movement increasingly viewed as an obstacle to further environmental progress, both Earth Day and the environmental movement may have run their course.”
“[During the]...’Decade of Greed,’ the United States experienced the greatest economic boom in its history… huge strides were made in economic opportunities for minorities, and Americans gave to charities at record levels. If this is what it means to have a ‘Decade of Greed,’ let’s have another.”

Ridenour David A. quotes
“Scientific method isn't about winning popularity contests. It's also not about being with the majority opinion. It isn't supposed be determined by politics. It is about attempting to limit bias or prejudice in the results.”
Ridenour David A.
"David Ridenour of The National Center for Public Policy Research says people who claim rising temperatures will lead to more intense hurricanes 'appear to be relying upon political science, not climate science.'"
David A. Ridenour quotes
“Stop complaining about the price of your gas. Be thankful your car doesn't run on bottled water.”
David A. Ridenour
“At the 1992 Republican National Convention, Pat Buchanan called Democrats political cross-dressers for attempting portray themselves… as something they weren’t… Until recently, I had assumed he meant this as a criticism.”
Ridenour David A. quotes
“No wonder health care seems less expensive in Canada – service that cost Americans hundreds of billions of dollars each year are simply not counted under the Canadian system… Americans actually get more for their health care dollars than Canadians.”
“The protections offered to private landowners are a lot like having the French on your side in war – largely symbolic."
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