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Love Quotes - page 48

Melanie Chisholm | Love Quotes
I know I'm not a great singer. But I love to sing and I like to use my voice in different ways.
Josemaria Escriva
"Those in love do not know how to say good-bye: they are with one another all the time."
John Cowper Powys
The love that interferes and knows not how to leave alone is a love alien to Nature's ways.

Philip James Bailey
Respect is what we owe; love what we give.
Malcolm Lowry
How alike are the groans of love, to those of the dying.
Avner Strauss | Love Quotes
So many lovers, yet there is no love. Birds of the Mind and Chameleons of the Heart (1978).
Taylor Swift
"We should love, not fall in love, because everything that falls, breaks."
Taylor Swift
The stakes are high, the water is rough, but this love is ours.
I love Nature.
Julia Cameron
Love is the substance of all life. Everything is connected in love, absolutely everything.
Lionel Richie | Love Quotes
I need you, and with your love I'm free
And truly,you know you're alright with me.

Steve Martin
Why is it we don't always recognize the moment when love begins, but we always know when it ends?
Matt Groening
Love is a perky elf dancing a merry little jig, then suddenly he turns on you with a miniature machine gun.
Lenny Bruce
For Halloween, I want to be Lenny Bruce, I want them to hate me, so you can love me on the sly.
William Shenstone
Love is a pleasing but a various clime.
Oprah Winfrey | Love Quotes
"I believe that every single event in life happens in an opportunity to choose love over fear."
David Hare
Smiles are the language of love.
Carole King
If there's any answer, maybe love can end the madness
Maybe not, oh, but we can only try.
Willie Nelson
"I smoke pot every day, and I love it!"
Felicia Hemans
Alas for love, if thou wert all,
And naught beyond, O Earth!

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