Life Quotes - page 47
It's a cliché - but true - that life is not a dress rehearsal. You get to do it once, so do it well.
I want to resume the life of a shy person.
I'm lucky enough to have a job that I love, and a relatively down-to-earth life.
Life is half delicious yogurt, half crap, and your job is to keep the plastic spoon in the yogurt.
A man and his loves make a man and his life.
'Tis the sunset of life gives me mystical lore,
And coming events cast their shadows before.
Life was a lot simpler when what we honored was father and mother rather than all major credit cards.
Tina: See, it's natural for Rachel because she's done it her whole life.
What are clouds, but an excuse for the sky? What is life, but an escape from death?
Total absence of humor renders life impossible.
I never saw so many shocking bad hats in my life.
It's a life of planes and trains.
Only by living at the edge of death can you understand the indescribable joy of life.
We're all of us sentenced to solitary confinement inside our own skins, for life.
Here lived, here died Colette, whose work is a window wide open on life.
When life is so burdensome death has become a sought after refuge.
Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.
Life is very, very complicated and so films should be allowed to be too.
Just because life is inelegant doesn't mean we have to behave likewise.
Life is much more of a compromise than I ever imagined.