Vanna Bonta
Novelist, poet and actress.
The impact of space activities is nothing less than the galvanizing of hope and imagination for human life continuum into a future of infinite possibility.
Experiencing that in general was curiously amazing.
Is it a form of social play that underneath the words people say, there is a different conversation going on?
Really, other one-pop variations of sex pale after it goes cosmic. And there is an abundance of fake or imitation sex around.
Joy and Sorrow have as source the very soul who planned their course.
At the end of a person's life that's what they are looking at. What happened inside? How did that experience change me, and how did I change it?
As a global society, befriending one another in the interchange of what we each have to offer will support a renascence of our humanity.
The genre is broad and includes life.
As technology puts the God-wand into the hands of mankind, new ethical issues never before facing us pose harrowing decisions.
He was acting on a reason other than the avoidance of pain. The sentiment was loyalty, and it felt glorious.
These elements — rhythm, rhyme, harmony and concinnity — can inevitably be identified within whatever is proclaimed 'poetry.'
Money is a human invention.
In life, the way we perceive life and reality is often instrumental in how things can unfold.
I suppose it would be a lot easier if a training manual were issued at puberty. Chapter One: what your body is feeling isn't necessarily you.
In lunar gravity, it was easy to do one-handed push ups and somersault effortlessly.
She listened to him all night and he found her fascinating.
Inspiration always arrives unannounced.