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Seneca the Younger

Often known simply as Seneca, or Seneca the Younger, was a Roman philosopher, statesman, dramatist, and humorist.
Seneca the Younger
peior est bello timor ipse belli.
Seneca the Younger quotes
Hoc habent pessimum animi magna fortuna insolentes: quos laeserunt et oderunt.
Seneca the Younger
Nothing is so certain as that the evils of idleness can be shaken off by hard work. (translator unknown).

Seneca the Younger quotes
Men whose spirit has grown arrogant from the great favour of fortune have this most serious fault – those whom they have injured they also hate. (translation by John W. Basore)
Seneca the Younger
Magna pars libertatis est bene moratus venter et contumeliae patiens.
Seneca the Younger quotes
A sword never kills anybody; it is a tool in the killer's hand. (translator unknown).
Seneca the Younger
rursus prosperum ac felix scelus virtus vocatur; sontibus parent boni, ius est in armis, opprimit leges timor.
Seneca the Younger quotes
Seneca himself states that he is quoting a 'common saying' here.
Seneca the Younger
Non privatim solum sed publice furimus. Homicidia conpescimus et singulas caedes: quid bella et occisarum gentium gloriosum scelus? Non avaritia, non crudelitas modum novit. Et ista quamdiu furtim et a singulis fiunt minus noxia minusque monstrosa sunt: ex senatus consultis plebisque scitis saeva exercentur et publice iubentur vetata privatim. Quae clam commissa capite luerent, tum quia paludati fecere laudamus. Non pudet homines, mitissimum genus, gaudere sanguine alterno et bella gerere gerendaque liberis tradere, cum inter se etiam mutis ac feris pax sit. Adversus tam potentem explicitumque late furorem operosior philosophia facta est et tantum sibi virium sumpsit quantum iis adversus quae parabatur acceserat.
Seneca the Younger
Omnis ars naturae imitatio est.
Seneca the Younger
Here, Seneca uses the same observation that Sallust made regarding friendship (in his historical account of the Cataline conspiracy, Bellum Catalinae[XX.4]) to define wisdom.

Seneca the Younger quotes
I do not distinguish by the eye, but by the mind, which is the proper judge of the man. (translator unknown).
Seneca the Younger
Seneca is here describing arguments used by 'certain men,' not stating his own opinion.
Seneca the Younger quotes
Sera parsimonia in fundo est.
Seneca the Younger
Authority founded on injustice is never of long duration. (translator unknown).
Seneca the Younger quotes
Irascetur aliquis: tu contra beneficiis prouoca; cadit statim simultas ab altera parte deserta; nisi paria non pugnant.
Seneca the Younger
Fire is the test of gold; adversity, of strong men. (translator unknown).
Seneca the Younger quotes
qui genus iactat suum, aliena laudat.
Seneca the Younger
Iniqua nunquam regna perpetuo manent.
Seneca the Younger
Things that were hard to bear are sweet to remember. (translator unknown).

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