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Irena Sendler (1910 – 2008)

Social worker who during World War II was an activist in the Polish Underground and Polish anti-Holocaust resistance in Warsaw.
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Irena Sendler
I am the only person still alive of that rescuing group but I want everyone to know that, while I was coordinating our efforts, we were about twenty to twenty five people. I did not do it alone.
Sendler quotes
Every child saved with my help and the help of all the wonderful secret messengers, who today are no longer living, is the justification of my existence on this earth, and not a title to glory.
If being a saint is complete devotion to a cause, bravery and altruism, then I think Mrs Sendlerowa fulfils all the conditions.I think about her the way you think about someone you owe your life to.

Sendler Irena quotes
I was brought up to believe that a person must be rescued when drowning, regardless of religion and nationality.
Sendler Irena
Heroes do extraordinary things. What I did was not an extraordinary thing. It was normal.
Irena Sendler quotes
Over a half-century has passed since the hell of the Holocaust, but its spectre still hangs over the world and doesn’t allow us to forget.
Irena Sendler
I still carry the marks on my body of what those "German supermen" did to me then. I was sentenced to death.
Sendler Irena quotes
To me and many rescued children, Irena Sendlerowa is a third mother. Good, wise, kind, always accepting, she shares our happiness and worries. We drop in for Irena's advice when life presents us with difficulties.
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