Saturday, July 27, 2024 Text is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 licence.

Rex Ryan

Current head coach of the New York Jets.
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Rex Ryan
The players will have each other's backs, and if you take a swipe at one of ours, we'll take a swipe at two of yours.
Ryan quotes
You guys know me, that I'm about as positive a guy as there is. I believe our team is better than every [expletive] team in the league. I believe our players are better than any players in the league, right? Those are true statements. That's how I believe.
No, we don't fear anything.

Ryan Rex quotes
How much motivation are they going to get by putting a quote from me on the wall saying that I believe in my football team [...] If that's where you're going to draw motivation from, hell, we'll probably kick your (butt).
Ryan Rex
The first step is, if you don't believe it yourself your team darn sure won't.
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