Preston and Steve
What was that?!?! All I wanted was some chili!
Man, if the animals can find the strength, why can't we?
Feeling the fruits of life!
No, I'm hydrating my boobs!
[in Anna Nicole voice]: What are ya gonna do with my body?
(As airplane pilot): Thank you for choosing Hooters Air today, if you take a look around you'll notice that the stewardesses are not actually hooters girls, we have replaced them with the usual pigs... This is Ester's 75th year with us, and you can see that she is so senile, she can't even use the seat belt. And that thing you see dragging behind her is her uterus, so please be careful as to avoid stepping on it and enjoy your flight.
I have the need- the need to eat pizza!
Preston: Yeah, no kidding.
Steve: (in Stephen Hawking voice) I-want-to be-loved-by-you, by-you,and-nobody-else-but-you.
Kathy: Twice. She's won it twice, with Drew Lachey and Emmitt Smith.
Steve: Top that, Heather Mills!
Preston: Oh, the one who won it before.
[James Mason voice]: I pick my ass for pleasure, not for defense. That's where the feces come in.
I'm really jamming it down there.
[in James Mason voice] Monkey throw feces! That's what monkey's do you know.
Preston: Ugh. I think I coughed something up. All right.
That idiot can't even get me off!