James Nicoll
Canadian freelance game and SF reviewer.
Manitoba… Not sure what to do about them. Restock the province with megafauna and encourage tourism, I think. How quickly can we breed back the saber-toothed cats?
It's bad to wake up and see a large cat in mid-leap from the rough vicinity of the ceiling.
It's true that the average human in the Xeelee universe can't eat Jell-O with a straw without accidently removing an eye but these particular humans start off no stupider than than any other human of their era and proceed to breed themselves into imbecility. Well, farther into imbecility.
I can't help but notice that everytime I fly somewhere, other people's planes fall out of the sky.
[F]olks would better off dipping their heads in a bucket of liquid [nitrogen] and battering them against a tree very very hard than reading Baxter's Titan. It would not surprise me if reading that book causes birth defects.
Deadly nightshade is the only plant I have ever been able to get to grow for me.
Most of my scars are not fire-related and I no longer say "I know what I am doing" at critical moments.
In point of fact, the meteor was something like 30 km when it exploded. It was over north Waterloo and I was north of St Agatha. Two spherical clouds, and two explosions. Unfortunately, I was dealing with a goat that was trying to eat an oil truck's fuel line, goats having this optimistic 'Well, maybe it has become edible since they last time I tried this' worldview, and I missed seeing the explosions.
Goodkind is noted for subtle allegories the same way Mt Kilimanjaro is known for floating weightlessly.
If there's a stack [of novels to review], the unpromising stuff goes at the top and the promising stuff goes at the bottom. That way, I am eager to finish Overwrought Romantic Mary Sue Fantasy because I know that will let me read Niche Product That Only the Author, James and Some Guy at JPL Likes.
Call me an extremist but killing a few hundred million people seems like the sort of method that might have unintended consequences.
Before it exploded one night, I went to a four grade, two room schoolhouse and we had textbooks from the 1940s.
This is the sort of book that justifies fatwahs. If WWIII occurred right now, we could die happy knowing Baxter would never write again. If a dinosaur killing asteroid was headed for Earth and I knew Baxter had another book coming up, I would campaign for letting the rock hit, since it is obviously the work of a benovelent deity trying to save us from another Titan.
The point is that there isn't a canonical James Nicoll tale. The point is that whenever a discussion turns to some manner in which a human being can be menaced, injured, or potentially killed, it will turn out that James has already had it happen to him. No matter how funny, unlikely, wierd (sic)), or pedestrian. He hasn't said he has a scar on his arm from being attacked by aliens with laser swords, but I would be only mildly surprised if he did. And I'd believe him.
Ben Bova seems to work very hard at working in new discoveries into his Glum Future but alas, his future is glum and not that well written.
You may have trouble getting permission to aero or lithobrake asteroids on Earth.
I believe that I have now experienced the lifetime maximum exposure to bottom spanking in fantasy novels.
I think once you start eating people you should stop claiming to be a vegetarian, even if you only eat bad people.
Tor is the hard one. They employ a lot of editors, whose tastes vary. They don't always indicate who has edited what (on the choice of the editor, I think) so editor stalking can be more difficult with Tor. Ear-tagging works but is rather surprisingly illegal.
My grandfather for example only died twice, once during the war and once in the 1980s.