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Hasan al-Askari

Eleventh Twelver Sh?‘ah Im?m He was the son of ‘Al? an-Naq? and was the ninth generation grandson of Muhammad.
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Hasan al-Askari
Your daily subsistence which has been assured by God, should not prevent you from rising in obedience and performing your duties.
al-Askari quotes
Allah has imposed fasting so that the wealthy might suffer hunger and be kind to the poor.
Whoever sows good shall harvest happiness, and whoever sows evil shall harvest regret.

al-Askari Hasan quotes
It is sufficient for your morality, not to involve yourself with the things you do not approve of in others.
al-Askari Hasan
The most pious of people is the one who fulfills his religious precepts, and the most devout of the people is the one who avoids illegitimate acts.
Hasan al-Askari quotes
Whoever is given good, Allah has given him that, and whoever is saved from an evil Allah has saved him from it.
Hasan al-Askari
There is a limit to caution and farsightedness; if one goes beyond the limit, fear and wretchedness will result.
al-Askari Hasan quotes
Everyone reaps what he sows.
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