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Hannah More (1745 – 1833)

English religious writer and philanthropist.
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Hannah More
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.
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  ...   There's a joy,
To the fond votaries of fame unknown,
To hear the still small voice of conscience speak
In whisp'ring plaudit to the silent soul.
The keen spirit
Seizes the prompt occasion, makes the thought
Start into instant action, and at once
Plans and performs, resolves and executes!

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Since trifles make the sum of human things,
And half our misery from our foibles springs.
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In men this blunder still you find,—
All think their little set mankind.
Hannah More quotes
To those who know thee not, no words can paint!
And those who know thee, know all words are faint!
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