George Herbert (1593 – 1633)
English poet and orator.
He that makes his bed ill, lies there.
A great ship askes deepe waters.
He that doth what he should not shall feele what he would not.
At the game's end we shall see who gaines.
Little sticks kindle the fire, great ones put it out.
The child saies nothing but what it heard by the fire.
[ Your thoughts close and your countenance loose.]
A feather in hand is better then a bird in the ayre.
All things have their place, knew wee how to place them.
The fatt man knoweth not what the leane thinketh.
One father is enough to governe one hundred sons, but not a hundred sons one father.
He thinkes not well that thinkes not againe.
[ What one day gives us another takes away from us.]
Marry a widdow before she leave mourning.
[ A scab'd horse cannot abide the comb.]
The worst speak something good; if all want sense,
God takes a text, and preacheth Pa-ti-ence.
Where the drink goes in there the wit goes out.
Every one thinkes his sacke heaviest.
Reason lies betweene the spurre and the bridle.