Chetan Bhagat
Indian author.
That was reality and as is often the case, reality sucks.
I suspect he was never young, was just born straight forty years old.
Girls are beautiful, let's face it, and life is quite, quite worthless without them.
Theaters are the opposite of class lectures, the front row is where the action is.
Girls handbags have enough to make a survival kit for Antarctica.
I may not be a great surgeon, but the one little heart I have, I have given to you.
In the first three months, half of my salary went for a pigeonhole in the Siberian end of town.
It is time to face real world, even if it is harder and painful. I'd rather fly and crash, than just snuggle and sleep.
to analyse my dream and its significance in my insignificant life, but I had to get dressed for work.
We were talking a lot, but we weren't communicating at all.